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在企业发展的长河中会遇到各种各样的风险与困难,而这些困难中最难应付的就是财务风险,因为财务是所有企业生产、经营活动的前提和基础,是保证企业正常运转的源动力,而要想使财务工作做到理想化的状态,就必须要加强财务工作人员的培训与学习,这也就是高校会计教学工作的任务和目标。只有对会计专业的学生进行理论知识教育的同时,加强职业能力方面的培养,才能达到社会发展的需要,才能为我国的经济建设做出贡献。本文从地方高校会计教学的现状入手,对职业能力培养的思路及策略进行了具体的研究。 In the course of business development will encounter a variety of risks and difficulties, and these difficulties is the most difficult to deal with financial risk, because finance is all enterprises production and business activities of the premise and foundation is to ensure the normal operation of enterprises However, if we want to make the financial work idealized, we must strengthen the training and study of financial staff. This is also the task and goal of accounting teaching in colleges and universities. Only by educating the students of accounting major about theoretical knowledge and strengthening the cultivation of vocational ability can we meet the need of social development and make our contribution to the economic construction of our country. This article starts from the current situation of accounting teaching in local colleges and universities and conducts a concrete research on the train of thought and tactics of vocational ability cultivation.
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