
来源 :中国公共卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:harrietgu
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我省地域广阔,地形复杂,作物种类多,病虫害严重,农药使用极为普遍,农药引起的中毒事故常有发生。1981~1989年,因生产、施药引起中毒每年平均达2344人,平均死亡14人.1981年发生农药中毒竟高达9344人,死亡47人.为此,我们对9年来农药中毒事故资料进行了分析,原因如下.(1)不遵守操作规程,个人防护不良.许多农民缺乏使用农药的常识,在配药和施药过程中普遍不穿工作服,不戴手套,口罩,有的甚至穿背心,裤衩、赤背露足,更增加了皮肤污染的机会.(2)气象条件差,不利于个人防护。农药中毒发生的时间主要在7月下旬到8月中旬。这期间气温高,气压低,湿度大,风速小.这种气象条件一方面适于害虫生长,使喷 My province has a vast territory, complex terrain, many kinds of crops, serious pests and diseases, the use of pesticides is extremely common, and poisoning accidents caused by pesticides often occur. From 1981 to 1989, due to the production and administration of poisoning, the average annual number of poisonings reached 2344, with an average of 14 deaths in 1981. In 1981, there were as many as 9344 pesticide poisonings and 47 deaths.Therefore, we conducted a survey on pesticide poisoning data for 9 years Analysis, for the following reasons: (1) non-compliance with operating procedures, poor personal protection Many farmers lack the common sense of using pesticides in the pharmaceutical and pesticide application process generally do not wear overalls, no gloves, masks, and some even wear vests, pants , Redback barefoot, but also increased the chances of skin contamination. (2) poor weather conditions, is not conducive to personal protection. Pesticide poisoning occurs mainly in late July to mid-August. During this period, high temperature, low pressure, high humidity, low wind speed.On the one hand the weather conditions for pest growth, so that spray
Background::The development of the technique has improved the success rate of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for instent chronic total occlusion (IS-C
笼行.攀福建省县幼儿成妈病的调查·········……林成水等(1一4)汉中地区病人血清分离出沈行性出血热病毒 ......................·..·.……“···……:刘水腾等