Feasibility and safety of endoscopic submucosal dissection for lower rectal tumors with hemorrhoids

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxkcykart
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AIM: To evaluate the feasibility and safety of endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD) for lower rectal lesions with hemorrhoids.METHODS: The outcome of ESD for 23 lesions with hemorrhoids(hemorrhoid group) was compared with that of 48 lesions without hemorrhoids extending to the dentate line(non-hemorrhoid group) during the same study period. RESULTS: Median operation times(ranges) in the hemorrhoid and non-hemorrhoid groups were 121(51-390) and 130(28-540) min. The en bloc resection rate and the curative resection rate in the hemorrhoid group were 96% and 83%, and they were 100% and 90% in the non-hemorrhoid group, respectively. In terms of adverse events, perforation and postoperative bleeding did not occur in both groups. In terms of the clinical course of hemorrhoids after ESD, the rate of complete recovery of hemorrhoids after ESD in lesions with resection of more than 90% was significantly higher than that in lesions with resection of less than 90%.CONCLUSION: ESD on lower rectal lesions with hemorrhoids could be performed safely, similarly to that on rectal lesions extending to the dentate line without hemorrhoids. In addition, all hemorrhoids after ESD improved to various degrees, depending on the resection range. AIM: To evaluate the feasibility and safety of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for lower rectal lesions with hemorrhoids. METHODS: The outcome of ESD for 23 lesions with hemorrhoids (hemorrhoid group) was compared with that of 48 lesions without hemorrhoids extending to the dentate RESULTS: Median operation times (ranges) in the hemorrhoid and non-hemorrhoid groups were 121 (51-390) and 130 (28-540) min. The en bloc resection rate and the curative resection rate in the hemorrhoid group were 96% and 83%, and they were 100% and 90% in the non-hemorrhoid group, respectively. In terms of adverse events, perforation and postoperative bleeding did not occur in both groups. In terms of the clinical course of hemorrhoids after ESD, the rate of complete recovery of hemorrhoids after ESD in lesions with resection of more than 90% was significantly higher than that in lesions with resection of less than 90% .CONCLUSION: ESD on lower rectallesions with hemorrhoids could be performed safely, similarly to that on rectal lesions extending to the dentate line without hemorrhoids.
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