
来源 :国际医药卫生导报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinsanshao
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邻居小孩兵兵上个星期突然高烧,体温在39度以上,吊了5天的青霉素都未将烧退下来,这个星期体温才缓慢下降,但两眼球结膜充血,初起口唇充血潮红,渐渐干燥,并发生皲裂,舌成杨梅状。兵兵的爸爸妈妈带他到医院一看,黄医生检查后说兵兵患的是“川崎病”。“啥叫川崎病?”兵兵的妈妈惊诧地问道。于是,黄医生说道—— 川崎病,又称急性发热性皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征,1965年由日本川崎先生首先发现,我国于1976年首次发现。近年我国长江流域发病有增多趋势,特别是今年的历史上罕见的洪涝灾害,川崎病增多的比例会更加大。至于川崎病的病因和病理,至今人们还在争论不休。有的怀疑此病与病毒、立克体或细菌感染有关,但未被证实。还有的人认为与环境污染、食品污染、洗涤剂中毒等,可 Neighboring kid soldier sudden sudden high fever last week, body temperature above 39 degrees, 5 days of hanging penicillin are not to retreat, this week the body temperature was slowly decreased, but the two conjunctival hyperemia, early lips flushing congestion, gradually dry , And chapped, Tongue into bayberry-shaped. Mom and Dad soldiers took him to the hospital for a look, Dr. Huang said after the soldiers Bing is suffering from “Kawasaki disease. ”What Kawasaki disease?" Soldier’s mother asked in surprise. As a result, Dr. Huang said - Kawasaki disease, also known as acute febrile dermal mucosal lymph node syndrome, first discovered by Japan Kawasaki in 1965, our country was first discovered in 1976. In recent years, the incidence of the Yangtze River valley in our country has been on an increasing trend, especially in the history of this year’s rare floods, Kawasaki disease will increase the proportion will be even greater. As for the etiology and pathology of Kawasaki disease, people are still debating. Some suspect the disease and the virus, rickettsia or bacterial infection, but has not been confirmed. Some people think that with the environmental pollution, food contamination, detergent poisoning can be
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