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《档案法》的颁布揭开了档案馆神秘的面纱,但人们期待的又一次档案利用高潮并没有出现。相反,来自大多数档案馆,尤其是地(市)县档案馆的统计数字表明:档案利用正跌入十多年来的最低谷。对档案开放后出现的利用低潮应该如何认识?这一问题在实践中影响着档案工作者对开放的积极性,在理论上关系到对十多年来的开放工作的评价。本文认为,档案利用从封闭到开放,已成为一种信息交流的行为,当前利用中的低潮现象是档案信息交流中还存在诸多障碍的反映,档案开放工作面临着挑战与机遇并存的形势。 一、档案信息交流的单元行为 档案利用在本质上是档案信息的交流,从结果看,通过利用,档案信息从信息源传递给利用者;从过程看,利用者并不是被动的信息接收者,他对于信息源有着反作用,这是一个双向的信息流动。档案信息交流必须借助于一定的渠道才能完成,渠道是架在信息源和接收者之间的桥梁。这样,我们可以把档案信息交流简化成一个单元行为,它包含了档案信息源、档案信息传递渠道和档案信息接收者三个环节,三者的相互关系可用如下框图表示: The enactment of the “Archives Law” opened the mysterious veil of the archives, but the once again anticipated climax did not occur. In contrast, statistics from most archives, especially prefectural county archives, indicate that file utilization is falling into its lowest point in more than a decade. How to understand the low ebb which occurs after the file is opened up? This question in practice affects the enthusiasm of archivists for opening up, and is theoretically related to the evaluation of the open work of more than a decade. This paper argues that the utilization of archives has become a kind of information exchange from closure to opening up. The current downturn is a reflection of many obstacles in the exchange of archival information. The opening up of archives is faced with the challenges and opportunities coexisting. First, the file information exchange unit Behavior file is essentially the exchange of file information, from the result, through the use of file information from the information source to the user; from the process, the user is not a passive receiver of information, His reaction to sources of information is a two-way flow of information. File information exchange must be completed by means of a certain channel, which is a bridge between information source and receiver. In this way, we can simplify the exchange of archive information into a single unit activity, which includes the three sources of file information source, file information transmission channel and file information receiver. The interrelationship between the three can be shown as the following block diagram:
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