基础达标Unit 20

来源 :时代英语(高二) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:grand1008
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一、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)1.Archaeologists in England found a grave of a man(d ) back toaround 2300 BC.2.The most amazing(f ) was two gold earrings.3.That would have made him a man of(d ).4.The biggest stones weigh(a ) 20 tons.5.The smaller blue stone,still weighing four tons on(a ) camefrom West Wales.6.Christmas is coming.All the streets are ____(装饰)beautifully. First, the word spelling (1 point for each question, a total of 10 points) 1.Archaeologists in England found a grave of a man(d) back toaround 2300 BC.2.The most amazing(f) was two gold earrings.3.That Would have made him a man of(d ).4.The biggest stones weigh(a ) 20 tons.5.The smaller blue stone,still weighing four tons on(a ) camefrom West Wales.6.Christmas is coming.All the Streets are ____(decorative)beautifully.
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1.A long time ago,an old man gave Anancy a huge pot.It held all the wisdom of the world.The old man told Anancy to share the wisdom with everyone he met.很久以
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面店内,儿子小心地扶着盲人父亲坐下后,大声叫道:“两碗牛肉面。”老板正要下面,男孩忽然摇摇手,又小声地说:“只要一碗牛肉面,另一碗要清水面。” In the noodle shop, his
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