
来源 :卫生经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chris7520
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要建立既能与市场经济相适应,又能促进医疗服务事业运转与发展的医疗服务价格体系,必须转换医疗服务价格的形成机制;而医疗服务价格形成机制转换的前提条件是以医疗服务价格管理体制的改革制度作保证。医疗服务价格管理体制在实际运行中,融决策与监督于一体。在管理范围上,尽管中央政府早把医疗服务收费的定价权、调整权下放到省级物价部门,但从全国的情况看,在宏观价格改革的整体推进中,这种由省级物价部门统管的格局仍然没有发生大变化。省级物价部门对医疗服务收费仍然实行项目管理,管理范围相当广泛,几乎无所不包,管理项目基本上都在3000多项以上,有的多达5000项以上。 To establish a medical service pricing system that can adapt to the market economy and promote the operation and development of the medical service business, it is necessary to change the formation mechanism of the medical service price; and the prerequisite for the conversion of the price formation mechanism of medical services is the price management of medical services. The institutional reform system guarantees. In practice, the medical service price management system integrates decision-making and supervision. In terms of management, despite the fact that the central government has decentralized pricing and adjustment of medical service charges to the provincial-level price departments, from the perspective of the entire country, the overall price of the macro-economic reforms is controlled by the provincial-level price departments. The pattern has not yet undergone major changes. The provincial-level price departments still implement project management for medical service charges. The scope of management is quite extensive, and almost everything is covered. The management projects are basically more than 3,000, and some are as many as 5,000 or more.
Tsinghua University is one of the most famousuniversities in China.At present,TsinghuaUniversity is a comprehensive university withscience,engineering,managemen
“北漂”已经成了当代社会一个具有独特内涵的流 行词汇。“北漂”可以指一个人,也可以说是偌大一个群体,也可以用来描绘一支成分极其庞杂的队伍。这个词具有无限吸纳包容
本文讨论了急性心肌梗塞(AMI)结算住院费时,以其病情轻重或以诊断 分类(DRGs)支付数额上的差别。共观察3份属于 DRG121—123AMI)病例 464例。分 别从血栓溶解疗法、插心导管及经皮作冠状动脉血管腔内造影(PTCA)等
奉献给读者的这套丛书是由正在科学前沿探索未知世界的留美科学家和学者们所撰写的。其中有些文章以信息传递为主要内容 ;有些试图把深奥的科学知识通俗化、大众化。而另一些
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卫生文化这个概念有其科学的内涵。卫生文化作为一种部门文化有其丰富的内容。研究卫生文化必须进行科学的分类,并且明确其任务。 1 卫生文化的涵义 什么是卫生文化?从广义
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临床医生一般通过哪些渠道获得有关新药的信息? 又有哪些主观与客观因素影响着医生倾向于利用药品的某种或某些种信息来源,而在处方中使用该药?这都是制药厂家及其销售代表和药