A New Explicit Algorithm for Bi-Phasic Mixture Flow in MIM

来源 :Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hualing_xue
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Metal injection moulding (MIM) is a new technology to manufacture small intricate parts in large quantity. Numerical simulation plays an important role in its development. To predict the specific segregation effect in MIM injection, mixture theory is adopted to model the injection flow by a bi-phasic model. This model conducts to the solution of two-coupled Stokes equations. It is an extremely computational consuming solution in the scope of the traditional algorithms, which induce a serious challenge to cost-effectivity of the MIM simulation. Referred to some methods proposed by Lewis in mono-phasic simulation and the implicit algorithms in MIM simulation, a new explicit algorithm is proposed and realized to perform efficiently this type of bi-phasic flow. Numerically this algorithm is devised to perform the simulation in a fully uncoupled manner except for a global solution of the pressure field in each time step. The physical coupling is taken into account in a sequential pattern by fractional steps. To predict the specific segregation effect in MIM injection, mixture theory is adopted to model the injection flow by a This is an extremely computational consuming solution in the scope of the traditional algorithms, which induce a serious challenge to cost-effectivity of the MIM simulation. Referred to some methods proposed by Lewis in mono-phasic simulation and the implicit algorithms in MIM simulation, a new explicit algorithm is proposed and realized to perform this type of bi-phasic flow. Numerically this algorithm is devised to perform the simulation in a fully uncoupled manner. except for a global solution of the pressure field in each time step. The physical coupling is taken into account in a sequential pattern by fractional steps.
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