
来源 :医药世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunjun
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1979年1月28日,上海《解放日报》在第 三版刊登了“上海市药品公司的药品广告”,标 志着中国医药市场由计划经济向市场经济转变。 25年时间,中国的医药市场在更迭起伏中,经 历了无数次阵痛和创新,逐步走上了健康发展 的轨道。25年的荡气回肠,中国民族医药终于 和世界在微笑中握起了双手! 从“一五”计划到“十五”计划,中国从计 划经济到市场经济走来的50年中,每一次历史 的变革和体制的创新,都显示了非凡的民族智 慧。医药行业作为国民经济的重要组成部分,是 传统产业和现代产业相结合,一、二、三产业为 一体的产业。50年来,对于保护和增进人民健 康、提高生活质量,为计划生育、救灾防疫、军 需战备以及促进经济发展和社会进步均发挥了 十分重要的作用。 On January 28, 1979, Shanghai Jiefang Daily published the Pharmaceutical Advertising of Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. on the third edition, marking the transition of the Chinese pharmaceutical market from planned economy to market economy. In 25 years, China’s pharmaceutical market has experienced numerous changes and ups and downs, has experienced numerous pains and innovations, and gradually embarked on a path of sound development. In the 25 years of turmoil, China’s ethnic medicine finally took hands with the world in a smile! From the “First Five-Year Plan” to the “Tenth Five-Year Plan”, in the 50 years from the planned economy to the market economy in China, each historical Changes and institutional innovations have shown extraordinary national wisdom. As an important part of the national economy, the pharmaceutical industry is an industry in which traditional industries and modern industries are integrated and the primary, secondary and tertiary industries are integrated. Over the past 50 years, it has played a very important role in protecting and promoting people’s health, improving the quality of life, providing family planning, disaster prevention and quarantine, military readiness and readiness as well as promoting economic development and social progress.
世界首艘大型两用破冰船已交付俄罗斯远东航运公司(FESCO)并投入使用。2005年3月31日,A b e rFinnyards船厂为其已建成的破冰备用供应船举行了一个庆典,并给这艘船起名为“萨
经营模式和管理机制的创 新.最终必须落实在向市场提供 优质的产品和服务上,落实在对 市场的有效开发和占领上,落实 在企业竞争力和经济效益的全面 提升上。凡是到过云南“云
2005年11月16日,ABB 举行盛大活动庆祝 ABB 新会低压开关有限公司成立10周年,共有来自全国各 地的近400位客户参加了为期两天的庆典活动。 ABB 集团自动化技术产品部门中国区负
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