Application of Interferometric Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar to Morphotectonic Research in the

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skb09
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Using ERS_1/2 radar satellite data, we generated a Digital Elevation Model by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, and the ERS_1/2 DEM that we generated is obviously superior to both the 1/25 ten thousand_scale DEM of the National Fundamental Geographic Information System of China and the 90_m spatial resolution’s SRTM DEM that America published in 2004 when it showed the characteristics of tiny structure relief. By analyzing the relief characteristics of the Bengcuo fault zone based on ERS_1/2 DEM, we find that the relief on the connection location of the Bengcuo and Pengcuo fault zones has complex characteristics. A structure relief that is similar to the Pengcuo fault zone crosses through the Dazi_Dasha fault on the the Bengcuo fault zone, while the Dazi_Dasha fault crosses through a gully at this place. This indicates that the Dazi_Dasha fault has been active at this place recently. At the same time, the Naka_Naduiduo fault is severed by the gully which was cut through by the Dazi_Dasha fault. Therefore, the Naka_Naduiduo fault was formed earlier than the Dazi_Dasha fault.
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