Molecular dynamics simulation for aggregation phenomena of nanocolloids

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjsh
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Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) method was used to study the dielectrophoresis (DEP) motion of nanocolloids in non-uniform electric field. By changing the electric field strength and system temperature, aggregation phenomena of nanocolloids was analyzed. Simulation results showed that at normal temperature, though the Brownian force can affect the motion of colloids, the attractive force will increase quickly with the distance between colloids down to 12σ , which makes colloids aggregate. When the Brownian force is weak to colloid’s motion, for the enhancement of electric field strength, the DEP force of colloid will increase and so did the attractive force, which finally quickens the aggregate speed. Simulation results also showed that the temperature’ enhancement will increase the Brownian force of colloids, hence disturbing the colloids aggregation. Moreover, the DLVO theory was used to study the motion of a pair of interactional colloids, both the potential energy and the attractive force versus distance of colloids were presented, then the latter graph was used to compare with another graph elicited by MD method. Results showed that the two graphs were nearly the same, indicating the MD model accorded with the theory. Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) method was used to study the dielectrophoresis (DEP) motion of nanocolloids in non-uniform electric field. By changing the electric field strength and system temperature, aggregation phenomena of nanocolloids was analyzed. Simulation results showed that at normal temperature , though the Brownian force can affect the motion of colloids, the attractive force will increase quickly with the distance between colloids down to 12σ, which makes colloids aggregate. When the Brownian force is weak to colloid’s motion, for the enhancement of electric field strength, the DEP force of colloid will increase and so did the aggregate force. Which results in the acceleration of colloids aggregation? used to study the motion of a pair of interactional colloids, both the potential energy and the a ttractive force versus distance of colloids were presented, then the latter graph was used to compare with another graph elicited by MD method.
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