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时代的进步,现代科技的发展,一方面让我们感受到了当代文明,同时又使我们容易忽视大自然的恩赐。城市化导致人工环境越来越充斥人类生活空间,自然环境变得越来越遥远。长此下去,无疑会消弱人与自然和谐共存的亲密关系。于是就有了生态住宅、绿色家居等名词出现,回归自然、亲和自然的健康生活方式已成为当今人们共同的心声。室内设计的重心已从建筑空间转向以人为主体的健康环境,强调人的参与和体验。室内设计的审美层次也从单一的形式美转向文化意识、自然意识。设计师更重视艺术风格、文化特色和美学价值、生态质量的追求以及意境的创造。室内设计具有多种功能,主要可归纳为生态功能、心理功能、美学功能和建造功能几种。室内设计可以使人获得回归自然的快感;调剂人的情绪,同时还能激发人们的认知心理。本刊推出的“健康空间” 主题,试图从人、环境、健康入手、介绍一些室内设计作品和文案,以与读者共享。 The progress of the times and the development of modern science and technology allow us to feel the contemporary civilization while making it easy for us to overlook the gift of nature. Urbanization has led to artificial environment more and more full of human living space, the natural environment has become increasingly distant. If the situation continues, it will no doubt weaken the intimacy in which people and nature coexist in harmony. So there is the ecological housing, green home and other terms appear, return to nature, natural and healthy way of life has become the common aspiration of people today. The focus of interior design has shifted from architectural space to a man-centered, healthy environment that emphasizes human engagement and experience. The aesthetic level of interior design has also shifted from a single aesthetic form to cultural awareness and natural awareness. Designers pay more attention to artistic style, cultural and aesthetic values, the pursuit of ecological quality and the creation of artistic conception. Interior design has a variety of functions, mainly can be summarized as ecological functions, psychological functions, aesthetics and construction functions of several. Interior design can make people get the thrill of returning to nature; adjust people’s emotions, but also stimulate people’s cognitive psychology. The magazine launched “healthy space ” theme, trying to start from the people, environment, health, introduce some interior design works and copywriting, to share with readers.
<正> 一九一一年十月十日武昌起义爆发之时,孙中山先生正在美国北部为筹集革命经费而奔走。十月十二日,他在科罗拉多州的丹佛从报纸上获悉“武昌为革命党占领”的消息。面对
研究藏药多刺绿绒蒿的化学成分。利用硅胶、Sephadex LH-20、ODS等色谱技术进行分离纯化,通过1H,13C-NMR等理化数据及与文献相对照进行结构鉴定,采用MTT法对部分化合物进行体