
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:PM123nx
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目的:探讨6岁以下厌食患儿喂养和膳食13种营养素变化,为家长和社会提供切实可行的干预措施。方 法:使用计算机营养软件对283例0~6岁集体或散居儿童中明显厌食者,进行膳食13种营养素咨询、调整及厌食发病 相关因素调查,同期设立正常对照组。结果;厌食患儿经计算机营养分析发现锌、铁、铜及多种维生素等不同程度缺乏,存 在“潜在饥饿”现象,病史和体检所见厌食患儿不同程度存在偏食,过多吃零食及家长强迫进食等不良饮食习惯;在小年 龄组(1岁内婴儿期)添加辅食及断奶均过迟,并有明显锌缺乏致生长发育落后现象。结论:要解决儿童营养问题,经济是 基础,但家长的科学喂养知识,社会环境,宣传媒介的诱导等均影响科学膳食行为的形成;有针对性举办父母课堂,培训 基层卫生人员均衡膳食营养知识,如母乳喂养如何添加辅食,贫血、佝偻病防治知识,编印《科学育儿小知识》发给儿童父 母及保育人员,并对厌食儿针对性投药,如补锌、补铁及补充维生素,推进有科学依据配方的儿童强化食品的面世,总之, 实施行之有效的干预措施是降低儿童营养缺乏,改善厌食患儿状况的有效方法。 Objective: To investigate the changes of 13 nutrients in feeding and diet of children under 6 years of anorexia, to provide practical measures for parents and the society. Methods: A total of 283 cases of anorexia nervosa who lived in collective or diaspora were enrolled in this study. The dietary 13 kinds of nutrients were consulted, adjusted and the related factors of anorexia were investigated. At the same period, the normal control group was set up. Results; Anorexia children found by computer analysis of nutrition, zinc, iron, copper and vitamins lack of varying degrees, there is a “potential hunger” phenomenon, history and physical examination showed anorexia children have different degrees of partial eclipse, eat too much snacks and parents Forced feeding and other unhealthy dietary habits; supplementation and weaning were too late in the younger age group (1-year-old infants), and there was a clear lack of growth and development of zinc deficiency. Conclusion: To solve the problem of children’s nutrition, economy is the foundation, but parents ’knowledge of scientific feeding, social environment and the guidance of propaganda media all affect the formation of scientific dietary behaviors; parents’ classrooms are targeted to train primary health personnel to balance dietary nutrition knowledge , Such as breastfeeding how to add complementary food, anemia, rickets prevention and control knowledge, the publication of “scientific knowledge of child-rearing” to parents and childcare staff, and targeted administration to anorexia, such as zinc, iron and vitamin supplements, promote Science formula based children’s fortified foods come out, in short, the implementation of effective interventions is to reduce the nutritional deficiencies in children, improve the condition of anorexic children an effective way.
<正> 我厂自1991年10月转产谷氨酸以来,在生产过程中,由于玉米浆的供应经常短缺,影响发酵生产的正常进行,为此我厂进行了用蛋白粉水解液全部或部分替代玉米浆进行谷氨酸生产
<正> 一般结晶方法有冷却结晶或真空冷却结晶、蒸发结晶或真空蒸发结晶及反应结晶三种工艺。冷却结晶体不除去水分,因溶解度随温度降低超过过饱和度而生成结晶,结晶过程中需