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战国时,一个宋国人在田间锄草,突然看见一只野兔从远处跑来,一头撞在地头的树桩上死掉了。农夫大喜,拾回家大快朵頣。从此以后,农夫整日守在树桩前,等待下一只兔子送上门来。田地渐渐荒芜了。守株待兔的故事讲了几千年,这个宋国人也被讥讽了几千年。该是给这个宋国人翻案的时候 In the Warring States Period, a Song countryman scrimped in the fields and suddenly saw a hare running from a distance and he slammed into a tree stump on the ground and died. The farmer is overjoyed and picks up home to eat. From then on, the farmer stayed in front of the stump and waited for the next rabbit to come to the door. The field gradually deserted. The story of waiting for rabbits has been spoken for thousands of years. This Song country man was also mocked for thousands of years. It was time to reverse the case for this Song country man.
Eco-friendly kangaroo farts could help global warming:scientists Australian scientists are trying to give kangaroo-style stomachs to cattle and sheep in a bid to cut the emission of greenhouse gases b
最近,编辑部收到了一位母亲写来的信,朴实的语言和真挚的感情,不禁让人为之动容,当初我们也是这样被她的一片拳拳爱女之心深深打动的。    尊敬的编辑老师:  您好!3年前我的女儿上初二,那时我曾在女儿生日时置信贵刊,承蒙编辑老师的厚爱,我送给女儿的生日祝福被刊登在了《初中生学习》2004年第4期的“时空连线”上。当时我女儿及班上的所有同学都看到了我写给女儿的信,女儿因此而倍受鼓舞,学习成绩也一路上升
如果让男生评出过去50年十大最时尚的男性,那就不可能是深受女性青睐的布拉德·皮特和汤姆·克鲁斯等帅哥影星了。那么肖恩·康纳利呢?据《GQ杂志》介绍,他可是深受男 If th
●用一张小小的信纸,来交换我们彼此的心愿。  黑龙江望奎县厢白乡厢白中学二年三班 张雪涵 152177    ●一个活泼、开朗的女孩很想与你成为朋友。  黑龙江省望奎县灵山乡灵山中学三年一班 白雪 152175    ●生命中的每一天,都会是不寻常的一天!  黑龙江省泰来县汤池镇汤池中学三年二班 毛胜男 162411    ●企盼一生快乐的单眼皮女生等待你的来信!  黑龙江省望奎县厢白乡厢白中学
Here lived once upon a time a wicked prince whose heart and mind were to set upon conquer-ing all the countries of the world,and on frighten-ing the people; he devastated their countries with fire and
They influence everything from how we look and act to eating and speaking and have even helped sway the course of history--but they are not real.  And topping a list of "The 101 most influential peopl