
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:officerkaka
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Background: Tension gastrothorax develops when the stomach herniated through a congenital diaphragmatic defect into the thorax is massively distended by trapped air. The authors present 5 cases and discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic management. Case Reports: Four children, aged 3, 4, 6, and 13 months, presented with progressive respiratory distress. In only 1 child was the diagnosis of tension gastrothorax established initially, and immediate insertion of a nasogastric tube led to complete resolution of respiratory distress symptoms. In the remaining 3 children, the initial chest radiograph was misread as tension pneumothorax. One of them developed cardiac arrest and was successfully resuscitated. In 2 patients, thoracostomy resulted in immediate respiratory improvement. Only on follow-up radiographic evaluation was diaphragmatic hernia with herniation of the stomach into the left hemithorax diagnosed. One child underwent diagnostic thoracoscopy revealing the correct diagnosis. All 4 children underwent uneventful repair of a classic Bochdalek hernia. The fifth child, aged 5 months, had sudden infant death. At autopsy tension gastrothorax was found. Conclusion: Tension gastrothorax is a life-threatening condition leading to acute and severe respiratory distress. The condition exhibits distinct radiographic features. Emergency decompression of the distended stomach should first be attempted via nasogastric tube. If this maneuver fails, decompression must be achieved either by needle puncture or by chest tube insertion into the stomach. Background: Tension gastrothorax develops when the stomach herniated through a congenital diaphragmatic defect into the thorax is massively distended by trapped air. The authors present 5 cases and discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic management. Case Reports: Four children, aged 3, 4, 6, and 13 months, presented with progressive respiratory distress. In only 1 child was the diagnosis of tension gastrothorax established initially, and immediate insertion of a nasogastric tube led to complete resolution of respiratory distress symptoms. In the remaining 3 children, the initial chest radiograph was One of them developed cardiac arrest and was successfully resuscitated. In 2 patients, thoracostomy resulted in immediate respiratory improvement. Only on follow-up radiographic evaluation was diaphragmatic hernia with herniation of the stomach into the left hemithorax diagnosed. One child underwent diagnostic thoracoscopy revealing the correct diagnosis. All The fifth child, aged 5 months, had sudden infant death. At autopsy tension gastrothorax was found. Conclusion: Tension gastrothorax is a life-threatening condition leading to acute and severe respiratory distress. condition exhibits distinct radiographic features. Emergency decompression of the distended stomach should first be attempted via nasogastric tube. If this maneuver fails, decompression must be either either by needle puncture or by chest tube insertion into the stomach.
OCR技术回顾 我国从80年代开始研制中文OCR技术,在国家科委的支持下,OCR支持取得了很快的进步,特别是经过1993年的印刷体汉字识别集成后,我国印刷体汉字识别系统开始由研究
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女孩有一双美丽的大眼睛 白皙的面颊和略带茶色的头发相 配,很好看的样子。她总是瞪着那么一双大眼睛,一个劲儿地盯着什么人看。但很不幸的是,她天生又聋又哑。 这座小
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一 提 笔 才 发 现 , 题 目 与 韩 寒 的《 零 下 一 度 》 中 的 一 篇 文 章 重 名 。 欲 改 , 可 又 一 想 , 重 名 就 重 名 吧 ! 万 一 哪 一 天 我 “ 一 不 小 心 ”