
来源 :今日新疆 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:epippo
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在全区上下深入贯彻落实中央新疆工作座谈会和自治区党委七届九次全委(扩大)会议精神的新形势下,8月31日至9月1日,科技部和教育部联合召开了全国科教援疆工作会议和第三次全国科技援疆工作会议,来自中央部委,全国科技、教育系统的精英力量齐聚新疆,共商科教援疆大计。中共中央政治局委员、国务委员刘延东在出席会议时强调,要认真学习贯彻中央新疆工作座谈会精神,把“科教兴新”作为重大战略方针,坚持统筹兼顾、科学规划,突出重点、有序推进,全面支持、民生优先,加强协作、促进互利,更多更好地汇聚全国教育、科技资源,扎实做好科教援疆工作,促进新疆经济社会实现跨越式发展和长治久安。这充分体现了党中央、国务院对新疆科教工作的高度重视和对新疆各族人民的深情厚谊。 Under the new situation of deepening the implementation of the symposium on work of the Central Government of Xinjiang and the spirit of the Ninth National Committee of the Party Committee of the Central Region (enlarged) during the entire region, from August 31 to September 1, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education jointly held the national Science and Education Aid for Xinjiang Work Conference and the Third National Science and Technology Aid Work Conference. From the central ministries and commissions, the elite forces of the national science and technology and education system gathered in Xinjiang to jointly plan for science and education and aid Xinjiang. At the meeting, Liu Yandong, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, stressed at the meeting: We must conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Symposium on Work in Central Xinjiang, regard “revitalization of science and education” as a major strategic guideline and adhere to the principle of making overall plans for all, making scientific plans and focusing on Orderly advance, give full support to the people, give priority to people's livelihood, strengthen cooperation, promote mutual benefits, pool more education and science and technology resources more and more, do a good job in science and education aid to Xinjiang, and promote economic and social development in a lean and long-term peace in Xinjiang. This fully demonstrates that the Central Party Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the work of science and education in Xinjiang and their profound friendship with the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.
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介绍了用8031单片机控制的单、双转子系统现场整机动平衡仪的软、硬件设计,及其在实际转子系统中的应用情况。 This paper introduces the software and hardware design of
春天里,容易让人有一种莫名的失落感,容易让人无端地陷入某种伤感的情绪中。春天里,很想看信。然而,整天面对电脑,很少有手写信了。感觉自己的生活过得越来越粗糙。 Spring,