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  New Concepts to Promote Development of Yinchuan ETDZ
  Administrative Committee of Yinchuan ETDZ
  The Yinchuan Economic and Technological Development Zone in northwest China‘s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region will follow new modern corporate concepts and laws governing development of the market economy in a determined effort to catch up with other development zones in China.
  The Yinchuan Economic and Technological Development Zone was founded in October of 2001, a latecomer among development zones across the country. Despite that, the zone is sparing no effort to catch up with its counterparts in economic development by applying new, scientific management methods, luring in more hi-tech enterprises and improving its market operations.
  The most pressing task for the Yinchuan ETDZ is to attract scientific and technological talents and capital input from all over the country, according to officials on the zone‘s administrative committee. To this end, they told Business World, emphasis will be put on the zone‘s financial and capital operations, with development of information technology taking the lead in the zone‘s industrial development as a whole. Meanwhile, development of electronic business will be promoted as a part of an effort to narrow the gap between this region in west China and the relatively developed east regions.
  The development zone, which is a part of the capital city of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, will also integrate modern corporate and asset management systems with regional resources to attract scientific and technological talents, projects, funds and technology to the autonomous region.
  To promote the development of positive and effective capital operations, the Yinchuan ETDZ will develop some key hi-tech companies that are good enough to lure in capital from both domestic and foreign markets. These are expected to develop into international companies while serving as local R&D centers.
  Shareholding companies in the Yinchuan ETDZ will be the carriers of this new coporate concept and will take the lead in its implementation.
  In line with the new development concept, the zone will put emphasis on six industries -- information industry, biological engineering based on pharmaceutical industries, modern chemical industry based on natural gas resources, as well as traditional industries. New technologies will be used to upgrade the zone‘s traditional industries, as well as the sectors of financial and intermediary services.
  The zone will also strive to build up the kind of investment environment that conforms to rules and principles of the World Trade Organization. First of all, the development zone will improve the services in financial support, logistics and transportation, development of human resources and electronic business. Secondly, the zone will strive to set up a system under which investors will find it easier to lodge complaints and have disputes settled through mediation. Thirdly, a monitoring and appraisal system will be set up to evaluate the services rendered to investors. Fourthly, no organization or individual will be allowed to conduct inspections of companies‘ operations without prior approval of the Yinchuan ETDZ Administrative Committee. Collection of administrative fees will be improved, and all illegal charges will be revoked to reduce the financial burden of enterprises in the zone.
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