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  A little boy was playing outside and was stung by a bee.He went into his house crying and said to his mother, “I hate bees! I wish God had never made them.” The mother eased his pain, then sat him down at the table and gave him some toast1 and honey.
   The little boy said, “This is great!”
   “You really do like honey, don’t you?” the mother responded.
   “Like it?” the little boy replied, “I love it!”
   The mother then said, “The same bee that stings also produces the honey you are enjoying right now. ”
   Her son thought for a minute and said, “I never realized there was a good side to that bee!”
   We can view a bee as an enemy that stings or as a friend that produces honey.And that’s the way it is with everything in life.We can choose to look at the plus side in every situation, or we can choose to look at the minus2 side.The difference will be one of living a life of depression3 or a life of rejoicing.

  尹玉生 摘译自 Teenagers
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