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在城镇化的进程中,许多农民工带着自己在城市积累的资本、能力、技术和信息,选择了返乡创业这一道路。根据国家最新数据,2014年,全国农民工总量达到2.74亿人,比上年增加501万人,增长1.9%,同比增幅回落0.5个百分点。其中,外出农民工1.68亿人,比上年增加211万人,增长1.3%,同比增幅回落0.4个百分点。农民工新增人数从2010年达到1245万人以后即逐年下降。在2015年2月28日举行的国务院政策例行会议上,国务院农民工工作领导小组办公室主任、人力资源和社会保障部副部长杨志明表示:“目前,农民工就业出现了一个新情况,经过进城打工的磨炼,有点技术、有点资金、有点营销渠道、有点办厂能力、对农村有点 In the process of urbanization, many migrant workers have chosen the path of returning to their hometown with the capital, capabilities, technology and information they have accumulated in the cities. According to the latest national data, in 2014, the total number of migrant workers nationwide reached 274 million, an increase of 5.01 million or 1.9% over the previous year and an acceleration of 0.5 percentage point from the previous year. Of the total, 168 million migrant workers went out, an increase of 2.11 million or 1.3% over the previous year, an increase of 0.4 percentage points from the previous year. The number of migrant workers increased from 12.45 million in 2010 and then declined year by year. At a routine State Department policy meeting held on February 28, 2015, Yang Zhiming, director of the Office of the Leading Group for Migrant Workers under the State Council and vice minister of human resources and social security, said: ”At present, there is a new situation in the employment of migrant workers. Work into the city’s temper, a little technology, a bit of money, a little marketing channels, a bit factory capacity, a bit rural
网易科技:举办盛景全球创新大奖的初衷是什么?  彭志强:在中国,“创新、创业”只是主流话题的一部分,所以,我们希望通过举办盛景全球创新大奖的方式,来吸引媒体、大众对创新、创业有更多的关注。  其实国内的创新创业大赛也不少,但从全球视野、全球规格角度办的创新创业大赛还很少。随着移动互联网的发展,我们希望盛景全球创新大奖是一次没有国界、高规格的创业创新大赛,也希望创新创业能在更大范围内得到大家的弘扬和
Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival inje ction and tearing (SUNCT) is a rare type of primary headache. In this report we de
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Background: Information on the mechanism of recurrent stroke may help physicians treating patients with ischemic stroke. However, the mechanisms of recurrence i
演示实验是教师做演示,学生做观察的过程。演示实验对培养学生观察能力和实验能力,提高化学教学质量,起着举足轻重的作用。它在化学教学中的作用是不能用其他任何实验教学形式来取代的,因为任何探索和创新都起源于观察与模仿。如何做好演示实验,充分发挥它在课堂教学中应有的作用,关键在于教师对实验内容安排和处理形式是否得当,以及指导学生听课的方法是否得力等方面。    一、创设问题情境    有些教师演示实验善于