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1926年7月,广东国民政府掀起了为建设统一政府及巩固国民革命根据地,“出师以剿除卖国军阀之势力”的北伐战争。对待这场战争,中共持什么样的态度。本文拟就此问题作一探讨。 1 第二次东征的结束,广东境内反动军阀的被肃清,以及广西的归顺,为实现孙中山先生的通过北伐把革命推向全国的遗愿提供了一个红色基地。国民党高层领导人如汪精卫、蒋介石等在不同场合曾就北伐问题多有言论。蒋介石在国民党第二次全国代表大会上就宣称:“去年可以统一广东,今年即不难于统一全国”,汪精卫更希望第二次全国代表大会在南京、汉口及北京相见。 对此提议,中国共产党采取了积极响应的态度,1925年12月20日,中共广东区党、团委员会联合发出了《告广东民众书》,明确提出了广东国民政府应“与全国革命民众携手”打倒北洋军阀势力,“建立全国统一的国民政府”。这里虽没有明确提出“北伐”一词,但在其中却寓有了北伐的主张。翌年2月7日,中共中央在《为吴佩孚联奉进攻国民军告全国民众》书中,更旗帜鲜明地提出了北伐的主张,号召全国人民起来援助国民军,并“请求广州国民政府出兵北伐”,以肃清吴佩孚在长江的势力。这可说是中共中央第一次对国民政府军事上的倡议。但是真正从战略高度提出北伐,还是在1926年2月下旬于北京? In July 1926, the Guomindang government in Guangdong set off a Northern Expedition to “establish a division to eliminate the forces of the warlords” in order to establish a unified government and consolidate the base of the national revolution. What attitude does the CCP take in handling this war? This article intends to make a discussion on this issue. 1 After the second eastward expedition, the elimination of the reactionary warlords in Guangdong and the return of Guangxi provided a red base for the realization of Sun Yat-sen’s will to push the revolution throughout the country through the Northern Expedition. Top leaders of the Kuomintang such as Wang Jingwei and Chiang Kai-shek made remarks on the Northern Expedition on different occasions. Chiang Kai-shek declared at the Second National Congress of the Kuomintang: “It is not difficult to unify the entire country this year because of the unification of Guangdong last year.” Wang Jingwei even hoped for the second National Congress to see each other in Nanjing, Hankou and Beijing. In this regard, the Chinese Communist Party adopted a positive response attitude. On December 20, 1925, the CPC Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Communist Youth League jointly issued the “Notice to Guangdong People’s Books,” clearly stating that the Guangdong National Government should “work with the revolutionary people in the whole country ”Down the Beiyang warlords and forces and“ establish a unified national government. ” Although the word “Northern Expedition” has not been explicitly mentioned here, it contains the claim of the Northern Expedition. On February 7 of the following year, the CPC Central Committee made a more clear-cut proposition of “striving for the Northern Expedition” in the book “Fighting the National Army Wu Shaofu to Fight the National Army,” calling on all the people in the country to come and assist the National Army and “request the Guomindang government to send troops to the Northern Expedition” , In order to eliminate Wu Peifu forces in the Yangtze River. This is the first military initiative initiated by the CPC Central Committee for the National Government. However, from the strategic height of the Northern Expedition, or in late February 1926 in Beijing?
本刊讯 (特约通讯员 葛德光)近日,南非迪斯特集团子啊亚太地区的首个果酒项目正式落户安徽省砀山县。该项目集种植、加工、旅游于一体,投资5.5亿元,占地20hm^2,预计年产果酒15
<正> 1 Levine HD, Lown B. Streeper RB. The clinical singificance of postextrasystolic T wave-changes. Cirealation, 1952, 6538.金属烤瓷修复体在目前的临床应用中,