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一 县级档案局(馆)“两手抓”,就是一手抓“业务”,一手抓“创收”。 毫无疑问,抓业务的责任非常重大。县级档案事业建设,是建设有中国特色社会主义档案事业体系的基础。特别是在基层,社会档案意识不强,重视、关注档案工作、熟悉档案业务的人不多的情况下,抓业务,督促、指导、所辖区域内各行各业做好档案收集、管理、归档及利用工作,为各项建设事业服务,责任非常重大,任务非常艰苦,意义也非同一般。邓小平同志早在1983年1月12日讲话强调“各项工作都要有助于建设有中国特色的社会主 A county-level archives (Museum) “with both hands,” that is, one hand “business”, with one hand “income.” There is no doubt that the responsibility of grasping business is very significant. The construction of county-level archives is the basis for building a system of archives of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Especially at the grass-roots level, the social archives awareness is not strong, attention, attention to the file, not many people familiar with the file business, grasp the business, supervision, guidance, all walks of life under the jurisdiction of the region do a good job archiving, management, archiving As well as using their work to serve the various construction undertakings, their responsibilities are very heavy, their tasks are very difficult and their meanings are not unusual. As early as his speech on January 12, 1983, Comrade Deng Xiaoping emphasized that "all the work must contribute to building a socialism with Chinese characteristics
1995年12月12日至13日,兵器工业总公司档案管理考评定级验收组对南京理工大学档案工作申报国家二级进行了正式验收。根据该校档案工作自检评述,对归档 December 12, 1995 t
本文通过介绍ETC技术,来说明通过军车行驶证设置方式打击假冒军警车辆。 This article introduces the ETC technology to illustrate the way to combat fake police vehic
台湾的新上海人,在世界经济版图重整下诞生。新上海人,代表了包容、视野、选择、自主,更代表新人生的追寻: Taiwan’s new Shanghainese were born under the restructuring
(摘自《中华读书报》2 0 0 3年 8月 1 3日 )时下 ,“转载率”是学界文坛人见人爱的名词。似乎谁的作品或论文被转载 ,谁就高出了一分。然而 ,“转载率”真的越高越好吗 ?这个