Cultivation of Socialist Core Values in the Context of Globalization and Internetization——from the P

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In the era of globalization,as for cultivation of socialist core values,its culture form and cultural ecology have been restructuring by integration and collision of different cultures as well as western cultural hegemony;meanwhile,advancement of network technology has expanded the time and cultural spaces of socialist core values.It can be said that globalization and internetization mutually form the context that cultivation of socialist core values is in.Under such a context,socialist core values education should restore the true color of “culture-ideology” system and embark from the perspective of cultural consciousness. In the era of globalization, as for cultivation of socialist core values, its culture form and cultural ecology have been restructuring by integration and collision of different cultures as well as western cultural hegemony; meanwhile, advancement of network technology has expanded the time and cultural spaces of socialist core values. It can be said that globalization and internetization phases form the context that cultivation of socialist core values ​​is in. Under such a context, socialist core values ​​education should restore the true color of “culture-ideology” system and embark from the perspective of cultural consciousness.
【教学内容】  苏教版(新教材)二年级下册第五单元第一篇。  【教学目标】  1.认识“潭、垦、博、峡”4个生字,能正确、美观地书写“祖、关、帝”3个生字。  2.正确、流利地朗读词串。  3.认识图上的景物,领略台湾的秀丽风光,感受海峡两岸盼望统一的心愿。  【教学重、难点】  诵读词串,理解词语,识字写字。  【教学设计】  一、 依据学情,挑战识字  1. 师:小朋友认识很多字,敢挑战吗? 
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