
来源 :现代兵器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crp123
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歼8是中国高性能战斗机由引进仿制向自行研制发展的过渡,也是中国航空武器装备体系中的重点型号。歼8系列战斗机不但为中国空军和海军航空兵提供了性能较为先进的作战机型,也为中国航空工业的科研系统培养了两代航空技术人员。该机并不只是一个简单的型号,而是中国在非常困难的 J-8 is the transition of China’s high-performance fighter jet from introducing imitation to self-developed development. It is also a key model of China’s aviation weaponry and equipment system. The Fighter J-8 fighters not only provided the Chinese Air Force and Naval Air Corps with more advanced combat aircraft models, but also trained two generations of aviation technicians for China’s aviation industry’s scientific research system. This machine is not just a simple model, but China is very difficult
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