Achieving single-lobed far-field patterns of broad area laser diode with external cavity feedback

来源 :ChineseOpticsLetters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhao0922
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We demonstrate a technique for single transverse mode operation of high-power broad area laser diode (BAL). In the experiment, the HR mirror is used as an external cavity mirror and the grating is used as a wavelength selective component. By tiling the HR mirror and the grating, the number of transverse modes oscillating in the cavity can be limited and the spectral bandwidth of the laser diode can be reduced. A single-lobed near diffraction-limited laser beam with the beam divergence (FWHM) of 0.43°, the spectral line-width of 0.7 nm and the output power of 350 mW are obtained. With the feedback, the power density of the output laser beam is increased 6 times in comparison with the free running.
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