团结奋斗 拼搏进取 开创世纪之交我省党史工作新局面——全省党史研究室主任会议召开

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3月21日至22日,全省党史研究室主任会议在合肥召开,全省各市、地委党史研究室主任及部分县市、区委党史部门的负责同志共42人出席了会议。会议继续认真落实江总书记关于党史工作的重要指示信,传达贯彻全国党史研究室主任会议和中国中共党史学会会议精神,总结交流1999年全省党史工作,研究部署2000年党史工作任务及如何开创世纪之交我省党史工作新局面。省委副书记、省政协主席方兆祥出席会议,并发表重要讲话。 From March 21 to March 22, the director meeting of the province’s party history research center was held in Hefei. 42 people in charge of the city’s party committees, director of the party history research center and some responsible comrades of some county and county party history departments attended the meeting . The meeting continued to conscientiously implement General Secretary Jiang’s important directive letter on the work of the party history, conveyed and implemented the director conference of the National Party History Research Center and the meeting of the Chinese Communist Party History Society, summed up the exchange of party history work throughout the province in 1999, and studied the development of the party history in 2000 Work Tasks and How to Start a New Situation of the Party History Work in Our Province at the Turn of the Century. Fang Zhaoxiang, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and chairman of the provincial CPPCC attended the meeting and delivered an important speech.
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