交出答卷 绘就蓝图 吹响号角——昌乐县十五届人大四次会议侧记

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在山东半岛,有一个被誉为世界宝石之都的地方,它就是昌乐——“齐国首城宝石之都”。1月24日上午,昌乐县十五届人大四次会议在此隆重开幕了。“十一五”刚刚过去,昌乐迎来了实施“十二五”规划的开局之年。“十二五”时期是全面建设小康社会的关键时期,是深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期,是加快建设富强、生态、幸福的现代化新昌乐的重要战略机遇期。“奋战十二五!”大礼堂里,久久回荡着60万昌乐人民高昂奋进的呼声。 In Shandong Peninsula, there is a place known as the world’s capital of gems, it is Changle - “the capital of Qi City, the first city.” On the morning of January 24, the Fourth Session of the 15th NPC in Changle County was grandly opened here. “Eleventh Five-Year ” Just passed, Changle ushered in the implementation of “Twelve-Five ” plan of the first year. The “12th Five-Year Plan” period is a crucial period for building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects. It is a crucial period for deepening reform and opening up and speeding up the transformation of economic development mode. It is also an important strategic period for accelerating the building of a prosperous, prosperous, prosperous and prosperous Xinchangle. “Fighting Twelve Five!” Auditorium, long time echoed the 600 000 Changle people soaring voice.