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王永年,出生于1893年,河北邯郸峰峰县人,毕生献身于武术事业。他博学多艺,对镇江武术事业的发展有着很大的影响,数十年来亲传亲授,为弘扬中华武术,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。王永年1973年去世,今年是他老人家诞辰100周年,为纪念他的往事和对镇江武术事业作出的杰出贡献,使武术界人士永远缅怀于他,并对王永年一生进一步了解,仅就有关资料对一代宗师传略于下,表示怀念之情。王永年,自幼好武,习家传少林武功,深有建树,为弘扬光大中华武术,专程赴任丘县莫州镇,拜武术名师黄柏年。被江湖武林公推为“飞 Wang Yongnian was born in 1893 in Fengfeng County, Handan, Hebei Province, devoted his life to martial arts. He learned a lot of art, which has great influence on the development of Zhenjiang martial arts career. For decades, he has been a pro-Qin pro-professor, devoted himself to carrying forward Chinese martial arts and has done his best to die. Wang Yongnian died in 1973, this year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of his elders. In memory of his past and outstanding contribution to the cause of martial arts in Zhenjiang, Wushu people cherish and cherish the memory of him and learn more about Wang Yongnian’s life. A great master of the generation on the thumbs down, said nostalgia. Wang Yongnian, childhood martial arts, martial arts Shaolin martial arts, a lot of achievements, to carry forward China Everbright Wushu, made a special trip to Renqiu County, Mozhou, thanks to Wushu teacher Huang Bainian. Be pushed by the arena martial arts as ”fly