
来源 :健康生活(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flordkk
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黄昏,某村民的家里,大肚子的产妇在一边痛苦地呻吟,围着的家人,焦急不安。当中一位20刚出头的年轻姑娘,一手捧着一本关于接生知识的书,迅速浏览,一手顺着书的内容,看到与此时相似情况指出,便停顿略作思考,额头渗出了汗水,心里也是紧张到了极点。所有的人都将期待的目光转向了她。这是她做赤脚医生以来遇到的最棘手的接生工作。 Twilight, a villager’s home, pregnant belly maw on the side painful, surrounded by family, anxious. One of the young girls in their mid-20s, holding a book about knowledge about births, swiftly browsed one hand and followed the contents of the book. As the situation similar to this one pointed out, he paused for a moment and his forehead bleeds Sweat, my heart is nervous to the extreme. All of them turned their gaze to her. This is the toughest midwife she has ever encountered since she was a barefoot doctor.
病去年同月本年累计去年累计月去年同月本年累计去年累计311l 5l1 05 535237疫.乱鼠桩 病毒性肝炎 甲型 乙型 非甲非乙型 其它及未分型 痢疾 细菌性 阿米巴性 伤寒副伤寒 艾