
来源 :中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:t6293003
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目的 探讨预防二滩水库运转后造成血吸虫病扩散流行的策略。 方法 采取根治传染源和杀灭钉螺。移民点的大中型引灌渠全部用水泥铺砌 ,饮用水管道化。鼓励移民和蓄水线边缘居民修建沼气池、供排水和卫生设施。 结果 根治传染源 :血吸虫病患者 2 36 0例和牛 15 2头。药物和环境改造灭螺面积分别为 3 6 345 80 m2和 6 710 5 .5 m2。用水泥铺砌排灌渠 5 1.13km,饮用水管道化 10 4895 m。 1781户分别修建了沼气池、太阳能热水器和庭院卫生化。 3年干预后 ,未发现人、牛和野鼠感染血吸虫 ,也未见阳性钉螺。 结论 二滩水库将血吸虫病控制纳入项目预算与水库建设同步进行 ,为库区创造了可持续发展的条件。继续作好钉螺和传染源输入监测 ,为三峡工程及将在疫区修建的水利工程的血吸虫病控制提供具有实用价值的经验 Objective To explore strategies to prevent the epidemic of schistosomiasis after Ertan reservoir operation. Methods to take to cure the source of infection and kill snails. All large and medium-sized irrigation ditches at settlements are paved with cement and piped drinking water. Encourage residents of immigrants and the waterfront to construct digesters for drainage and sanitation. Results Source of infection: 2 36 0 schistosomiasis patients and 15 2 cattle. The area of ​​remedies for drugs and the environment were 3 6 345 80 m2 and 6 710 5 .5 m2 respectively. Paving irrigation and drainage channels with cement 1.13km, drinking water pipelines 10 4895m. 1781 were built biogas digesters, solar water heaters and garden sanitation. After three years of intervention, no human, cattle and voles infected with schistosomiasis were found and no positive snails were found. Conclusions Ertan Reservoir included the control of schistosomiasis into the project budget in synchronization with the reservoir construction, which created the conditions for sustainable development in the reservoir area. Continue to do input monitoring of snails and sources of infection, providing practical experience for the Three Gorges Project and the control of schistosomiasis in water conservancy projects in the affected areas
Objective To evaluate the outcome of Precision-fit Surface Hemiarthro-plasty in treatment of the femoral head osteonecrosis . Methods We reviewed the results of
碘盐碘含量的测定有很多方法 ,为了测定结果准确可靠 ,在实验室采用定影分析法。采用的检测方法有 ,直接滴定法和溴氧化法。目前 ,全国已用碘酸钾替供碘化钾加工碘盐 ,故可用
我国农业已进入新的发展阶段,在新的发展阶段,农产品生产和发展面临新的机遇和挑战。抓住机遇、迎接挑战的关键在于提高农产品核心能力。 本文分析了农产品品牌与核心能力的