Effects of Aconitine on [Ca2+] Oscillation in Cultured Myocytes of Neonatal Rats

来源 :华中科技大学学报(英德文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingjing17_
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Summary: In order to investigate the effects of aconitine on [Ca2+] oscillation patterns in cultured myocytes of neonatal rats, fluorescent Ca2+ indicator Fluo-4 NW and laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) were used to detect the real-time changes of [Ca2+] oscillation patterns in the cultured myocytes before and after aconitine (1.0 μmol/L) incubation or antiarrhythmic peptide (AAP) and aconitine co-incubation. The results showed under control conditions, [Ca2+] oscillations were irregular but relatively stable, occasionally accompanied by small calcium sparks. After incubation of the cultures with aconitine, high frequency [Ca2+] oscillations emerged in both nuclear and cytoplasmic regions, whereas typical calcium sparks disappeared and the average [Ca2+] in the cytoplasm of the cardiomyocyte did not change significantly. In AAP-treated cultures, intraecllular [Ca2+] oscillation also changed, with periodic frequency, increased amplitudes and prolonged duration of calcium sparks. These patterns were not altered significantly by subsequent aconitine incubation. The basal value of [Ca2+] in nuclear region was higher than that in the cytoplasmic region, in the presence or absence of drugs, the [Ca2+] oscillated synchronously in both the nuclear and cytoplasmic regions of the same cardiomyocyte. It was concluded that although oscillating strenuously at high frequency, the average [Ca2+] in the cytoplasm of cardiomyocyte did not change significantly after aconitine incubation, compared to the controls. The observations indicate that aconitine induces the changes in [Ca2+] oscillation frequency other than the Ca2+ overload.
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