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北魏孝文帝于公元493年由平城(今山西大同市)迁都洛阳后,同时拉开了营建龙门石窟的序幕。龙门石窟历经东魏、西魏、北齐、北周、隋、唐和北宋等朝,断断续续雕凿了400年之久,其中北魏和唐代大规模营建140多年,因而在龙门的所有石窟中,北魏洞窟约占30%, Emperor Xiaowen in the Northern Wei Dynasty in 493 AD by Pingcheng (now Shanxi Datong City) moved to Luoyang, at the same time opened the prelude to build Longmen Grottoes. Longmen Grottoes through the Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi, Northern Zhou Dynasty, Sui, Tang and Northern Song Dynasties such as North Korea, intermittently carved for 400 years, of which the Northern Wei and Tang Dynasty large-scale construction of more than 140 years, so all the gantry in the Northern Wei Dynasty Cave Accounting for 30%
1 临证施治 ,解决主要矛盾患者 (尤其是慢性病患者 )的主诉 ,通常是其寻医问药的主要病痛 ,需尽可能在辨证论治原则的指导下 ,抓住主证或主要症候 ,集中药力 ,以求速效。例
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
编辑同志: 我的孩子很想学习乐器,可是有的人说他不具备学习乐器的条件,但是我们作家长的又很支持他学习,不知是否合适,请您指教。云南省蔡军蔡军同志: 凡是身体与智力正常
A spiral flow using an annular slit connected to a conical cylinder does not need special device to generate a tangential velocity component of the flow and di