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随着人们生活的提高和市场经济节奏的加快,特种种植,特种养殖越来越显的时毛和吃香。一些特种种植品种和一些特种养殖品种,使一些人致富和发了财。然而”特种特养”总是热一阵、冷一阵、高一阵、低一阵,起起落落,还使一些人赔钱。不少的“特种特养”品种是一阵风,不能产生很好的社会效益。发了大财的人,绝大多数是赶上了卖种。每一个特种种养品种的兴趣,都会使一些头脑灵活、捷足先登者致富发财。而在其后的追随者中,不少人赔而不赚、遭受失败。追其原因是多方面的,除了特种特养本身具有的投资大,效益高、风险大、市场经济变幻莫测和别有用心不良者,以回收为名,赚了购种户的昧心钱等原因外,更重要的一 With the improvement of people’s lives and the acceleration of the pace of the market economy, special planting and special aquaculture have become increasingly popular and popular. Some special planting varieties and some special breeds have made some people rich and made a fortune. However, “special special support” is always hot for a while, cold for a while, high for a while, low for a while, ups and downs, but also make some people lose money. Many “special special care” breeds are gusts of wind and cannot produce very good social benefits. The vast majority of people who have made a fortune have caught up with selling seeds. The interest of each special breed of breed will enable some people who are flexible and make their fortune rich. In the followers, many people lose without earning and failing. There are many reasons for chasing after it, apart from the fact that the special special culture itself has large investment, high efficiency, high risk, unpredictable market economy, and bad ulterior motives. More important one
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