跳出会议圈 寻找新闻“眼”

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写会议报道是记者感到头疼的事。因为会议报道千篇一律,形成套套,读者不爱看,而记者出席了会议又必须报道。这就给记者提出了改进会议报道的迫切课题,即跳出会议圈子,寻找新闻由头(亦称新闻眼),写出读者喜闻乐见的新闻篇。去年3月3日,我 Writing conference reports is a headache for journalists. Because the meeting reported stereotyped, forming a sleeve, the reader does not like to see, and reporters attended the meeting must be reported. This raises the urgent issue for reporters to improve the coverage of the conference, that is, jumping out of the conference circle and looking for news headlines (also known as news eyes), and writing news articles that the readers love to hear. March 3 last year, me