
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:k123321
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国防费的客观需求大于国防费的实际供给,使得国防费短缺处于一种常态运行之中,这种常态短缺往往是由于国民收入既定总量限制造成的,可称为“总量缺口”;由于国防费内部开支的结构比例调整或改变而造成的国防费缺口称之为“结构缺口”;国防费的总需求与国防费的潜在总供给的差额可称之为“真实缺口”;国防费的总需求与国防费的实际总供给的差额可称之为“可视缺口”。作者用理论逻辑推理和经济模型证明的分析方法,对现阶段军事经济运行系统中的供求缺口的形成机理、内在成因及政策弥合过程作了实证性分析,揭示和说明了造成国防费短缺的供给无力和需求膨胀的一般规律,探寻了弥合缺口的有效对策。 The objective demand of national defense expenditure is greater than the actual supply of defense fees, making the shortage of national defense expenditures in a normal operation. Such a normal shortage is often caused by the limitation of the total national income, which can be called the “total shortage.” Since The gap in defense costs caused by the restructuring or change in the structure of internal defense expenditure is called the “structural gap.” The difference between the total demand for national defense expenditures and the potential total supply of defense expenditures can be called the “real gap.” The national defense fee The difference between aggregate demand and the total actual supply of defense can be called a “visible gap.” The author uses the theory of logical reasoning and economic model to prove the analysis method, makes an empirical analysis of the formation mechanism, inherent causes and policy of the current supply and demand gap in the military economic operation system, reveals and explains the supply of defense shortage Weakness and the general rule of demand expansion, explore effective ways to bridge the gap.
如今出版物上常出现“某某是’十大杰出青年’” 的说法,许多人不同意这样用,认为应该说成“某某是 ’十大杰出青年’之一”。你说呢?请发表高见。 Many people disagree wi
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已知总状升麻Cimicifuga racemosa有雌激素样作用,能减轻与绝经相关的某些更年期失调症状,如血管舒张症和精神病等。其副作用较少、轻微和可恢复,严重副作用包括肝损伤和循环
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