
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdxxx123
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思政教育的目的在于调整和完善受教者的思维意识形态,最终推进其实践活动的进步,因此实效性是思政教育成果的最终检验标准,强化实效性也是思政教育提升的重要路径。关注民族、突出民族性是民族院校思政教育的不同之处,在其实效性的强化过程中同样需要强调和突出民族性,立足民族发展、关注民族学生、增加民族实践、糅合民族时事都是民族院校思政教育中民族性的体现,下文的论述也由此展开,对于相关问题的研究将推进民族院校的思政教育更加切合民族主旨。 The purpose of ideological and political education is to adjust and improve the ideology of the mindset of the educated, and ultimately to promote the progress of their practical activities. Therefore, the actual effect is the final test of the ideological and political education outcomes. Strengthening the actual results is also an important path for the improvement of ideological and political education. Concerning the nationalities and highlighting their nationality are the differences between the ideological and political education in national institutions of higher learning. In the process of strengthening their actual effectiveness, they also need to emphasize and highlight the nationalities, base their efforts on the development of the nation, pay attention to the minority students, increase their national practice, Is the ethical embodiment of ideological and political education in ethnic colleges and universities. The following discussion is also carried out accordingly. The research on relevant issues will promote the ideological and political education in ethnic colleges and universities more in line with the national theme.
近些年来,名人出书成为一种时尚,无论是歌星、影星、球星以及其他什么星,都争先恐后著书立说,为出版业增添了一道色彩斑斓的风景,并且间或引发一些轰动,甚至洛阳纸贵。 名人
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