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神经鞘瘤是椎管内的常见肿瘤,多位于髓外硬膜下,位于髓内的十分罕见.脊髓髓内神经鞘瘤是指发生在脊髓髓内不是直接起源于脊神经的神经鞘瘤.对国内近10 a间经手术病理证实的椎管内髓内神经鞘瘤7例分析如下.
Work exchange is a promising innovative technology in recovering residual pressure energy. However, at the systematic level, the comprehensive utilization of di
2003-04~2005-04我门诊部与航天中心医院应用前列腺素E1注射液治疗肺心病50例,疗效满意,现报道如下.1 对象和方法1.1 对象肺心病并心衰患者100例,男55例,女45例,年龄53~71岁.NY
As important controlling factors for the synthesis of iron phosphate materials by liquid-phase precipitation, the solubilities of iron phosphate dihydrate were
In this work,the dynamics and operation of the totally reboiled reactive distillation columns are visualized in terms of transfer function based process models.
Cracking furnace is the core device for ethylene production.In practice,multiple ethylene furnaces are usually run in parallel.The scheduling of the entire crac
The dynamic soft sensor based on a single Gaussian process regression(GPR) model has been developed in fermentation processes.However,limitations of single regr
As fouling has always been a major drawback of membrane technology, qualitative and quantitative understand-ing of membrane fouling mechanisms therefore becomes