双门概念 双重个性——福特福克斯Vignale(Focus Vignale)

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“伟大的汽车设计触动心灵,激发渴望。新福特福克斯Focus 系列的工作已经这样完成,但是怎样将这一系列的精神传承下去,用更加动人心弦的设计语言来替代福特的未来车型,加入巴黎车展福特筹备组几周来,这一直是我的首要工作之一。令我高兴的是,当我们在巴黎展示新的福克斯 Focus 系列时,我们还有一个惊奇奉献。这是一款令人向往的双门小型概念车,它秉承了新福克斯Focus 系列的设计灵感。不同于一般运动型双门小汽车的是,它又可以变成时尚的敞篷车。” ——马丁·史密斯Martin Smith 设计部执行经理 福特欧洲 在2004年巴黎国际汽车展上,福特福克斯Focus系列中一颗令人惊艳的明星赫然出现,这就是一款灵感来自新款福特福克斯 Focus 的概念车。 此车的主设计师——俄哈勃·考德 Ehab Kaoud是这样评价这款车的: “福特福克斯Vignale (Focus Vignale)双门概念车造型优雅时尚,具有双重个性,设计完美,现代细节中闪现着古典意大利运动型汽车的风韵。” 跻身全新的福克斯Focus 批量生产系列的福克斯Vignale (Focus Vignale) 双门概念车,此次借巴黎车展首度亮相。它的设计研究一蹴而就,目的在于挖掘福克斯 Focus 未来演变的潜力。 “Great car design touches the mind and inspires desire The work of the new Focus Focus Focus series has been done, but how to pass on to this series of spirit, with a more exciting design language to replace Ford’s future models, to join the Paris Motor Show Ford It has been one of my top priorities for the preparatory team for a few weeks and to my delight, we were amazed when we presented the new Focus Focus series in Paris, a desirable double The small concept car, inspired by the design of the Focus Focus Focus Series, is a stylish convertible unlike a sport-utility two-door car. ”- Martin Smith Executive Design Manager, Martin Smith Ford Europe At the 2004 International Motor Show in Paris, a stunning star from the Ford Focus Focus series came in the form of a concept car inspired by the new Ford Focus Focus. Ehab Kaoud, the head designer of the car, comments on the car: “The elegant and stylish Ford Vickers concept car with dual personality, perfect design and modern details Sparkling the charm of a classic Italian sports car. ”The Focus Vignale, a two-door concept car among the new Focus Focus mass-produced series, debuted at the Paris Motor Show. Its design research is done overnight, with the goal of digging into the potential of Focus Focus’s future.
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