Effects of LaNiO_3 Interlayer on the Microstructures and Electrical Properties of Ba_(0.9)Sr_(0.1)Ti

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803_shijiwu
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The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of low-resistivity interlayer on the physical properties of periodic Ba_(0.9)Sr_(0.1)Ti_(0.99)Mn_(0.01)O_3(BSTM) multilayers prepared by a chemical solution deposition method. A LaNiO_3(LNO) layer was inserted into the periodic BSTM multilayer artificially to form a sandwiched configuration of BSTM/LNO/BSTM. The capacitances at low frequencies(<100 k Hz) of the sandwiched multilayer are significantly enhanced compared to that of the pure BSTM multilayer. The space charge accumulated at the LNO layer was proposed to explain the enhancement based on Maxwell-Wagner(M-W) model. However, LNO interlayer leads to an increase in the leakage current. A non-Ohmic conduction region is observed for BSTM/LNO/BSTM multilayer when the electric field exceeds 100 k V/cm. The results offer a new approach to achieve dielectric films with high dielectric constant. The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of low-resistivity interlayer on the physical properties of periodic Ba_ (0.9) Sr_ (0.1) Ti_ (0.99) Mn_ (0.01) O_3 (BSTM) multilayers prepared by a chemical solution deposition method. A capacitances at low frequencies (<100 k Hz) of the sandwiched multilayer are significantly enhanced compared to that of the pure BSTM multilayer. The space charge accumulated at the LNO layer was proposed to explain the enhancement based on Maxwell-Wagner (MW) model. However, LNO interlayer leads to an increase in the leakage current. A non-Ohmic conduction region is observed for BSTM / LNO / BSTM multilayer when the electric field exceeds 100 k V / cm. The results offer a new approach to achieve dielectric films with high dielectric constant.
实例一 故意现象:一辆幸福125型摩托车,启动困难,加速时有异常声音,行驶时震动严重,无法操纵。 故障分析与排除:启动发动机,启动的确困难,启动后发动机有异常的震动响声,声
此次跃进—菲亚特江苏南亚自动车有限公司推出 NJ6400GHA 小型乘用车和 NJ1020GHA 多用途客货车。其独特的整体造型,卓越的整车性能、宽敞的车内空间,明快高雅的内饰,高效率
菲亚特股份公司已决定暂时搁置其在印度总额为10亿美元的投资计划。这家意大利的汽车公司原计划投资兴建位于旁加贡的格林费尔德工厂,并于1999年下半年投产,年产10万辆 Pali
柴油发动机功率大、油耗低,与汽油发动机相比 HC 和 CO 的排放低,但微粒物(黑烟)排放较多。公众由此对柴油机造成了误解。车用柴油机的两大发展趋势是排放努力向零点发展,同
神偷出现  “砰”的一声轻响,箱子被打开。在这个静谧的房间中,心跳声仿佛都听得见,所以这一声在那样的环境下不禁让人心头一震。而彼得并不感到害怕,他早已是身经百战的老手,尤其是对这种声音,他打娘胎里就已经习以为常了。  “20万,又20万,又20万……”彼得小声嘀咕着。这一次可真是发达了,虽然嘴上没说,但从他那恨不得要弯到天上去的嘴角,就已经可以看出来,他心里储存着多大一股自豪感。没错,仔细数了数,
提笔写作,是梦想在召唤,召唤我书写生命中的一篇长诗。大自然的美丽风景、历史长河中的千秋更迭,这些都能随着清风入梦,在我的笔下缓缓流淌。远山的倩影在黄昏下缱绻,是满眼翠色,拨动希望的心弦;蝉翼映着光亮,荡着潋滟,是星光下的歌,化作枕边的絮语。仰望星空,潮起潮落,岁月摇动四季的风车,你轻轻附和,渲染着星星点点的梦,拥有纸和笔的夜晚,都是花好月圆。  ——孙艺珊  新生代感言  提笔写作,是梦想在召唤,