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1Pan Junfan, 42, lost his right leg in a car acci?dent in 2015. Before the accident, Pan worked in the convention and exhibition business and had never par?ticipated in any kind of outdoor sport. However, in a bid to motivate himself, Pan set himself the goal of hik?ing for 108 kilometers over four days in the Gobi Desert.rn2One year later, when Pan became the first amputee(被截肢者)contestant to complete the 20162nd Silk Road Gobi Challenge within the scheduled time, his confi-dence was greatly boosted and he started to embrace various outdoor activities.
1It is common sense that traditional Chinese cul-ture has been a springboard to inspiration for TV and film production. It is also for this very reason that a number of outstanding dramas and films have been put on the must?watch list of many young Chines
After the wedding, a large number of our friends came to a party at our house. When the party had started, Elizabeth and I said goodbye and left for our honeymoon. We trav?elled first by boat, and planned to spend the night at a hotel on the other side of
1Hundreds of little robots are rolling around colleges and cities in the United States, Britain and elsewhere. The robots, about 50 centimeters tall, are bringing food like pizza to hun?gry students.rn2 The robots were being tested in limited numbers befo
On the bed, Elizabeth lay still, in the cold sleep of death. I took her in my arms... and saw the marks of the murderer\'s fingers on her neck.rnOther people in the hotel had heard the screams and came into our room. I sent one of them to call the polic
在提炼国内外学者已有研究中影响学生参与大学内部治理的重要因素的基础上,搭建理论研究模型,借助SPSS 21.0社会科学统计分析工具进行数据分析发现:参与态度、参与动机、参与反馈、感知行为控制、主观规范均与学生参与行为有显著影响.学生参与大学内部治理的态度、动机、反馈、知觉行为控制、主观规范是影响学生参与行为的重要因素.建议高校要树立学生参与治理理念,健全学生参与治理机制,优化学生参与治理行动框架,将“学生参与”深化为高等教育治理共识.
1The world\'s largest astronomy museum has opened in Shanghai, and its complex shape has been designed to re?flect the geometry of the universe. With no straight lines or right angles used throughout, the structure is instead formed from three overlappi
1Chen Zhenglei, Chenjiagou\'s Taijiquan master, was awarded the“Person of the Year of China Intan?gible Cultural Heritage”in 2020.rn2Chen Zhenglei was born in May 1949 at the birthplace of Taijiquan—Chenjiagou Village, Wen County, Henan Province, China.
1The Notre?Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) fire has been put out, but its spire (尖顶) and a large portion of its wooden roof have been damaged. The terrible destruction caused a sudden sharp pain to people around the world.“What a pity that we cannot see the dam?age