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谷歌的模块化智能手机项目还处于早期阶段,但是一些开发者和狂热爱好者已经开始构思如何打造可置组件了。在远处一看,加勒特?金斯曼掌中的这台设备就像是谷歌Project Ara项目的模块化智能机:一块亮闪闪的板子上组装了许多薄薄的、可拆卸的橙色方块,侧面是手机内部金褐色的肋框,将这些小方块固定在一起。每个方块都代表着不同的功能,用户可以轻松地替换。这完全可以实现,谷歌就在四月中旬举办的开发者大会那天上午展示了真实存在的模块化原型机,尽管它没能开机。而金斯曼 Google’s modular smart phone project is still in its early stages, but some developers and enthusiasts have begun to think about how to create scalable components. Looking afar, Garrett Ginsman’s device in the palm of his hand was like a modular smartphone for the Google Project Ara project: a thin, detachable orange square was assembled on a shiny board, Side of the phone is a golden brown rib, these small box fixed together. Each box represents a different feature that users can easily replace. That’s all, Google demonstrated the true prototype of the prototype in the morning of the developer conference in mid-April, even though it did not turn on. And Kingsman
来自全球27个国家和地区的1194家海内外参展公司参展,其中海外参展公司303家,合资和国内参展公司891家。来自全球73个国家和地区的187879人次的专业观众前来参 1194 exhibit
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摘要:戏剧文学体裁的文章,对初中学生来说是很陌生、很新奇的。因为它本身的特殊性也就给我们一线教师的教学带来了挑战。怎样让学生感受到戏剧的魅力?怎样理解人物之间的矛盾冲突?怎样解读人物的性格?笔者就自己教学的感受谈点认识和思考。关键词:戏剧;矛盾冲突;舞台说明;人物形象    戏剧艺术,是文学艺术宝库中的瑰宝,它种类繁多,各具特色。苏教版的语文教材在九年级下册中第一单元就收录了具有代表性的《威尼斯商
This study provides characteristics of aerosol columnar properties, measured over ten countries in Eastern Europe from 2002 to 2019. Aerosol optical depth (AOD)
The giant Central Asian Orogenic Belt is an extensive accretionary orogen, of which the Solonker suture, as a major regional suture, coincides closely with an e