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今年1月和2月,炼钢厂三座120吨转炉又连续两个月实现负能炼钢,创效益700万元。年初,炼钢厂制定负能炼钢6个月的工作目标,同时把分解考核指标落实到各车间、责任人。在降低转炉炼钢能源消耗的同时,对转炉煤气回收和蒸汽外供两大指标实施了日考核、日统计的动态管理。同时,对炉前降罩操作,减少回收时间短的次数、调整风机转数、调整喉口开度、减少氧气和氮气消耗等项工作,为转炉煤气回收和热值的提高做了大量工作。 In January and February of this year, three 120-ton converter steel mills realized negative energy steelmaking for two consecutive months, achieving an effective profit of 7 million yuan. At the beginning of the year, the steel mill formulated the work target of 6 months of negative energy steelmaking while implementing the decomposition assessment indicators to all workshops and responsible persons. In reducing the energy consumption of converter steelmaking at the same time, the two indicators of the converter gas recovery and steam supply for the implementation of the daily assessment of the dynamic management of statistics. In the meantime, a great deal of work has been done to reduce the number of recovery times, adjust the number of fan revolutions, adjust the opening of the throat, and reduce the consumption of oxygen and nitrogen, so as to improve the gas recovery and the calorific value of the converter.
写作文,要善于观察。有的同学说,观察,不就是看吗?谁不会看呢?有什么“善于不善于”的?其实,观察≠看。作文要求的观察,内涵深着呢!我们先来看一篇作文。 Writing, be good
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