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清代皇帝用文书形式向全国、中央和地方各级机关、部门及个人传达的公告、命令或指示等统称为“谕旨”。按光绪《大清会典》所说,它们可分为两类:批示臣下奏请叫“旨”,特降或因下面奏请而宣示中外的叫“谕”。这些文件统由内阁与军机处经办。 清初,文书制度基本沿袭明代。中央、地方各部门和高级官员所上奏章都不是由皇帝直接处理,而是必须先送到内阁。内阁接到奏章后,提出初步处理意见,用小票拟出批答,然后连同奏章经内奏事处送达皇帝“御览”。重要的军政大事还要直接经议政王大臣会议讨论,最后再由皇帝用朱笔批出,名为“票拟”。内阁接到批件整理誊清后,即成“谕旨”。按规定份数恭录副本,然后由内阁将谕旨交都察院 The imperial decree, order or instruction conveyed by the emperors of the Qing dynasty to the organs, departments and individuals at the national, central and local levels through paper instruments was collectively referred to as the “imperial decree.” According to Guangxu “Qing dynasty,” said, they can be divided into two categories: criticism minister called please call “purpose”, special drop or because of the following request to declare both at home and abroad called “oracle.” These documents are handled by the Cabinet and the Army Aircraft Division. In the early Qing Dynasty, the clerical system basically followed the Ming Dynasty. Neither the central government nor the local departments and senior officials must handle the memorials directly by the emperor. Instead, they must be sent to the cabinet first. After receiving the medal, the cabinet proposed preliminary handling of the opinion, prepared a reply with a small vote, and served it to the emperor “Yu Lan” along with the memorial service. Major military and political affairs should also be directly discussed by the meeting of the government ministers, and finally by the emperor with Zhu pen grant, called “votes to be.” After the cabinet receives the documents finishing Qing Dynasty, Serve as a “decree”. According to the provisions of Copies of a copy of the copy, and then by the Cabinet will be handed over to the Imperial Court
我科于60年开始用四彐制剂治疗彐口症,从60年的52例病例中,根据临床观察,疗效为100%,故应用至今。一、治疗对象 18年来均应用于门诊患儿,而绝大部份是婴儿,其中以出生后未满
认为汉文献中的地名蚂蚁寨、展马蚁寨、张梅尼等均系今台江县盘乡掌麻你(Zangx Maf Nix)的苗语音译,而且并非因张秀眉在此 血起义得名;苗族起义将领九大白(Jux DasBil)与 汉文献中的黔兴王张报九系同一
例1 刘某,女,12岁。不明原因出现突发性双下肢无力发软,步行时突发突止不能行走4个月,每周发作4~6次不等,每次发作1~3分钟,当地医院以周期性麻痹、肌无力等治疗,发作频率增加,
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