A Trendsetter of Teamwork

来源 :北京周报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pjliuchuang
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Chinese technology company ZTE has donated 5G equipment to South African telecommunication service providers and helped them update more than 1,500 telecommu-nication sites free of charge amid the still-raging COVID-19 pandemic.
硝酸甘油作为心脏病急救药,在临床上使用已经超过100年,但不少患者用药时还是会存在误区,导致使用后不起作用.rn误区1:用水吞服 有些患者以为硝酸甘油和其他药一样,吞服才有效.rn正确做法:心绞痛发作时,可将一片硝酸甘油嚼碎,舌下含服.如果从食道吞服,大部分的有效成分将在肝脏被降解,只剩下不到10%的有效成分被利用.而采用舌下含服,药物可通过舌下丰富的静脉快速进入血液,加快起效速度,增加药物的利用度.
On the third floor of the Gubei Civic Center in Shanghai\'s Hongqiao Subdistrict, a small group of residents are discussing how to use smart technologies to make senior citizens\' life more convenient.
In order to get the Taiwan authorities to attend the so-called “Summit for Democracy,” the United States has racked its brains to try and avoid overly provoking China.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has described China\'s democracy as a wholeprocess people\'s democracy.The very purpose of developing socialist democracy is to give full expression to the will of the people, protect their rights and interests, spark thei
New Oriental, one of China\'s largest tutoring institutions, is facing controversy after recently unveiling plans for its business transformation.
Long proclaiming itself as the architype of “democracy” and “human rights,”the U.S. is used to reprimanding other countries by wielding the baton of said concepts.
Elephants\' Journey in Yunnan, a documentary focusing on Asian elephants in said province,made its debut on October 11 during the opening ceremony of the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Divers
Glasgow, the location of COP26, officially known as the 26th Session of the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, was once a very dirty city.
The recent hype of Taiwan\'s “meaningful participation” in the UN system by some Western politicians and media organizations echoed related claims made by pro-independence elements in the Chinese island province.