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目的调查某小学学生集体“汞吸收”的原因,“汞中毒”病人的治疗情况,为预防类似事件提供依据。方法进行现场调查、监测,对全校师生进行健康检查,对检出的病人进行治疗。结果该学校6个班级,179人,经调查接汞的学生共34人,其中四年级一个班29人,其他班5人。经对全校179名学生和32名老师普查发现,四年级全班29人尿汞全部超标,其他班的5人尿汞全部正常。四年级任课老师2人尿汞超标,其余老师均正常。经三四个疗程的驱汞治疗均治愈出院。结论这是一起因为教室汞污染引起的汞吸收事件,暴露出教师安全管理意识的低下和责任意识的缺失。对在治疗过程中出现的有关问题能进行有效处理。 Objective To investigate the causes of the collective “mercury absorption” and the treatment of “mercury poisoning” among primary school students, so as to provide the basis for preventing similar incidents. Methods On-the-spot investigation, monitoring, health checkup of teachers and students in the whole school, treatment of patients detected. Results There were 6 classes and 179 students in this school. There were 34 students receiving mercury survey, of which 29 were in the fourth grade and 5 in the other classes. After a survey of 179 students and 32 teachers in the whole school, 29 urinary mercury in the fourth grade were all over-standard, and urinary mercury in 5 other classes was all normal. Fourth grade teacher 2 urinary mercury exceeded, the rest of the teachers are normal. After three or four courses of treatment of mercury were cured discharged. Conclusions This is a case of mercury absorption caused by mercury contamination in the classroom, exposing the teachers’ lack of awareness of safety management and the lack of sense of responsibility. The treatment of the problems that occurred in the process can be effectively addressed.
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