Clinical Observation of Treatment of Hyperbilirubinemia in the Newborn by Integrated Traditional Chi

来源 :Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medici | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robertrobertrobert
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Objective: To find a method of treatment for correcting hyperbilirubinemia timely and effectively to prevent bilirubin induced cerebral damage in the newborn. Methods: The newborns with hyperbilirubinemia in the treated group were treated with conventional treatment plus Butyribacterial preparation (BBP) and Simo Decoction (SMD, 四磨饮) taken orally, and the effect was compared with that in control group A treated with conventional treatment only and that in control group B treated with conventional treatment plus BBP. Results: The mean daily decreasing rate of bilirubin in the treated group was 51.11±25.03 μmol/L, which was higher than that in control groups A (39.36±22.44 μmol/L) and B (43.24±24.18 μmol/L), respectively ( P <0.01 and P <0.05). The bilirubin decreasing value on the first day and the speed of bilirubin decreasing (to 102.6 μmol/L) in the treated group were both higher than those in the control groups, P <0.01. Conclusion: The combined therapy of conventional treatment plus BBP and SMD could rapidly reduce the blood bilirubin level in the newborn with hyperbilirubinemia, and shorten the therapeutic course markedly, and the therapeutic effect is superior to that of the conventional treatment alone or that of the conventional treatment plus BBP only. Methods: The newborns with hyperbilirubinemia in the treated group were treated with conventional treatment plus Butyribacterial preparation (BBP) and Simo Decoction (SMD , 四 磨 饮) taken orally, and the effect was compared with that in control group A treated with conventional treatment only and that in control group B treated with conventional treatment plus BBP. Results: The mean daily decreasing rate of bilirubin in the treated group was 51.11 ± 25.03 μmol / L, which was higher than that in control groups A (39.36 ± 22.44 μmol / L) and B (43.24 ± 24.18 μmol / L), respectively (P <0.01 and P < value on the first day and the speed of bilirubin decreasing (to 102.6 μmol / L) in the treated group were both higher than those in the control groups, P <0.01. Conclusion: The combined th erapy of conventional treatment plus BBP and SMD could rapidly reduce the blood bilirubin level in the newborn with hyperbilirubinemia, and shorten the therapeutic course markedly, and the therapeutic effect is superior to that of the conventional treatment alone or that of the conventional treatment plus BBP only .
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