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欧美国家有可能对中国出口企业强制推行SA8000认证标准,将劳工权利与订单挂钩,主要约束劳动密集型产品。据美国相关商会组织调查,超过50%的跨国公司和外资企业表示,如该标准实施,将重新与中国企业签订采购合同,这无疑将成为中国企业出口的另一道门槛。同时又有其他观点认为,推行SA8000正是借助外力强制我国出口企业更好履行社会责任的契机。众说纷纭,SA8000究竟与我国出口贸易有着怎样内在和外在的关系,我们国家和出口企业究竟应以何种眼光看待SA8000,如何加以防范或利用,是本文探讨的主要内容。 European and American countries may impose the SA8000 certification standard on Chinese exporters, linking labor rights with orders, mainly restricting labor-intensive products. According to a survey conducted by the relevant chambers of commerce in the United States, more than 50% of multinational corporations and foreign-funded enterprises indicated that if the standard is implemented, the procurement contracts will be signed with Chinese enterprises undoubtedly and this will undoubtedly become another threshold for the export of Chinese enterprises. At the same time, there are other views that promoting SA8000 is just an opportunity to force China’s export enterprises to better fulfill their social responsibilities through external forces. Different opinions, SA8000 and China’s export trade exactly what kind of internal and external relations, what our country and the exporter should look SA8000, how to prevent or use, is the main content of this article.
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目的 研究南宁市2 000例0~6岁儿童(男1 298名,女702名)血Pb含量及与Zn、Cu、Fe、Ca、Mg含量的关系.方法 用原子吸收分光光度法测定血Pb、Zn、Cu、Fe、Ca、Mg含量,为便于与国内
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目的研究苯作业人群非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)与颈动脉粥样硬化之间的相关性。方法选取苯作业工人1 803例和非苯作业工人1 206例,对两组人群肝、颈动脉超声及丙氨酸转氨酶(A
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