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近几年,在建立区域性模式方面有很多进展(Antnes和Warner,1978;Perkey,1976;Kaplan等,1982; Seaman等,1985)。但是,这些模式仅仅是在拥有昂贵的大型电子计算机的少数科研人员和个别预报中心发展起来的。因此,这些模式的许多进展并没有在业务预报中使用。随着AFOS(美国气象业务和服务自动化)系统的发展以及提高区域预报中心对地方预报能力的设想,发展有限区域模式是需要的。在科罗拉多州立大学,建立了一个使用HP9000台式电子计算机的简易原始方程模式。这个模式不像那些操作于大型电子计算机上的模式那样复杂,却包括了重要的天气过程。在一般常见的天气系统上,使用无线电探空资料,这个模式可给定初始值,并且在2.5个小时内做出24小时天气预报。这个模式的详细描述见参考文献中Shen等人,1985年的两篇文章。为了做地形强迫对流的降水预报,建立了这个模式的套网格形式。下面叙述这个模式所做的降水预报的例子。 In recent years there has been much progress in establishing a regional model (Antnes and Warner, 1978; Perkey, 1976; Kaplan et al., 1982; Seaman et al., 1985). However, these models have been developed only for a small number of researchers and individual forecast centers with expensive, large-scale electronic computers. Therefore, much of the progress of these models has not been used in business forecasting. With the development of the AFOS (Meteorological Operations and Service Automation) system and the idea of ​​increasing the capacity of the regional forecasting centers to localize forecasts, the development of a limited regional model is needed. At Colorado State University, a simplified raw equation model was set up using the HP9000 desktop computer. This mode is not as complicated as those that operate on a large electronic computer, but includes important weather processes. In the common weather system, the use of radiosonde data, this model can be given the initial value, and make 24-hour weather forecast within 2.5 hours. A detailed description of this model can be found in Shen et al., 1985, two articles in the reference. In order to forecast the precipitation of terrain forced convection, a set of grid form of this model was established. The following is an example of precipitation forecasting done by this model.
离村庄约有一里路,我让司机停下车,我要步行走回家。我的秘书——俄罗斯女郎卡洛娃要下车陪我,被我挡在车里,她太招眼了。  我穿着一双老北京布鞋,上身纯棉白布衫,下身纯棉青色裤,年龄大了,怎么舒服怎么来。这身打扮,要不是跟在我后面的那辆奔驰车,谁也不会多看我一眼。  老了,这几年的想法一年一个样。年轻时喜欢城市的热闹,现在我想去乡下住。我在城里住居的那栋三层别墅,没感觉怎么好,汽车喧闹,雾霾笼罩,想寻
This paper further summarizes the method and results developed to find all possible real nets in binary n+3 phase multisystems, and emphasizes that there is a
文章论述了应用于最小100 ksi无缝钢管开发和生产的第一阶段和用于评价高强度无缝钢管可焊性的第二阶段的主要成果。第一阶段和第二阶段取得了保证最佳强度-韧性的主要显微组
Jobail 第二阶段淡化站的建造和移交 Construction and Commissioning of Al Jobail Phase Ⅱ Desalination Plant;A.M.Al Mudaiheem and H.Miyamura,P.1 本文概述安装在沙
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