Variability of Pesticide Residues in Vegetables from the Marketplaces in Jinan City

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiankuangfeng
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In order to provide technological support for risk estimation of pesticide residues taken from vegetables, the residues of pesticide in vegetables in Jinan City, China, were investigated. Moreover, the variability of pesticide residues in vegetables was explored, and the variability factor was calculated. The level of pesticide residue was studied by statistical method. The variability factor was calculated using the Harrell-Davis method in accordance with principles recommended by the JMPR. In addition, the procedure of evaluation was validated according to the principles laid down by the JMPR (Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues). The detection rate of pesticide residues in all marketplace samples was less than 20% in Jinan City. The unqualified rate of vegetables was low (0.6%). The chlorothalonil was found as the pesticide with the highest rate of detection. The vegetables with the highest rate of pesticide residues detected were leafy vegetables. The relationship between variability factor and mean value of concentrations of contaminations was expressed by the formula, v=4.9×Cmean. The pesticide residues in vegetables from Jinan City is low. The evaluated variability factor is larger than that the value recommended by the JMPR, however, less than the default value used for acute intake assessment of pesticide residues in UK in most cases. In order to provide technological support for risk estimation of pesticide residues from from vegetables, the residues of pesticide in vegetables in Jinan City, China, were investigated. Moreover, the variability of pesticide residues in vegetables was explored, and the variability factor was calculated. The level of pesticide residue was studied by statistical method. The variability factor was calculated using the Harrell-Davis method in accordance with principles recommended by the JMPR. In addition, the procedure of evaluation was validated according to the principles laid down by the JMPR ( Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues. The detection rate of pesticide residues in all marketplace samples was less than 20% in Jinan City. The unqualified rate of vegetables was low (0.6%). The chlorothalonil was found as the pesticide with the highest rate of The vegetables with the highest rate of pesticide residues detected were leafy vegetables. The relationship between variabili ty factor and mean value of concentrations of contaminations was expressed by the formula, v = 4.9 × Cmean. The pesticide residues in vegetables from Jinan City is low. The evaluated variability factor is larger than that the value recommended by the JMPR, however, less than the default value used for acute intake assessment of pesticide residues in UK in most cases.
<正> 1986年9月,且末县塔提让乡一农民在该乡苏伯斯坎古遗址发现了一些纸质文书,随即报告了县文化馆,由文化馆派人收回。1989年8月交巴音郭楞州文物保护管理所收藏。这次共得文书27件,其中纸面较为完好的有4件。文书皆为单页。未见装订留下的痕迹。纸似为麻纤维浆造,无帘纹。纸结构较粗疏、松散、厚薄不均(厚处达0.4、
1 病例资料  患者 ,女 ,2 3岁 ,因宫内孕 6个月要求引产 ,遂于 2 0 0 1年 9月 8日入院。患者既往体健 ,无肝炎、结核等病史。查体 :T :36 7℃ ,P :80次 /min ,R :2 5次 /min ,BP :10