Jokes and Humor

来源 :中学英语园地·初一版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nanlulgd
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  One day, an Englishman who couldn’t speak Chinese came to China. He wanted to buy a pen in a small shop. In order to make himself more easily understood, he only said the word “pen” to the salesgirl at the shop, but she didn’t know English. She thought that the Englishman had wanted a basin, so she handed him a basin.
  “No,” the Englishman said, which sounded like a Chinese word for “leak”. The salesgirl told the Englishman that the basin wouldn’t leak at all.
  Seeing that he couldn’t get what he wanted, the Englishman said, “Bye.” Then he turned round to leave.
  The salesgirl misunderstood the Englishman again, because the English word “Bye” sounded like “white” in Chinese. In a hurry, she said, “Please wait a moment; we do have some white ones!”
  英国人见女售货员听不懂他的意思,就说了句“Bye”, 然后转身要离开。
  因为英语的“Bye” 听起来很像汉语的“白”,所以女售货员再次误会了那个英国人的意思。她急忙说:“请稍等,我们真的有白色的盆!”
  Which Friend?
  As a teacher, I often see that children can be very noble. Once, several of my students were absent, and a pupil asked, “My friend hasn’t come today. When will he come back?”
  “Which friend?”
  She replied, “The one who used to hit me and then played with me. When is he coming back to play with me?”
  Why Did It Make You Late?
  Jim was late for school yesterday morning. He said to his teacher, Mr Green, “Excuse me for my coming late, sir. I watched a football match in my dream.”
  “Why did it make you late?” asked the teacher.
  “Because neither team could win the game, so it lasted a long time,” replied Jim.
  Where Were You Monday and Tuesday?
  Jack was having trouble in going to sleep at night. He went to see his doctor. The doctor gave him some extra-strong sleeping pills.
  On Sunday night Jack took some of the medicine, slept well and woke up before he heard the alarm. He got to the office on time, walked slowly in and said to his boss happily, “I had no trouble getting up this morning.”
  “That’s fine,” shouted the boss, “but where were you Monday and Tuesday?”
一个小小的 how,它的本领可不小呢,既有独立性,又有很强的合作性不信,快来看看吧,领教它“自立和交朋友”时用最常见的招数    一 how的独立性  how 的独立性指的是 how 可以单独引起疑问句的情况  1. 用在初次见面时的问候语中例如:  —How do you do?你好?   —How do you do?你好?  2. 用于询问别人的健康情况例如:  —How are you?你
“It’s time...” 是英语中一个常用的句式,意为“是……的时候了”,其后可接for引起的介词短语动词不定式代词动词-ing形式或句子现将其用法简单小结如下:  1. “It’s time + for +名词/代词/动词-ing形式”意为“是……的时候了”这样用时,名词前通常不加冠词,若要表示特定的事情,可用定冠词或其它修饰语例如:  It’s time for school. 该上学了 
Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词  1. —Nice to m______ you.  —Nice to meet you, too.  2. H______ name is Freddy.  3. This g______ is a nurse. She works in a hospital.  4. There is a b______ in this family. He
Unit 9How was your weekend?    1. How was your weekend?(P53) 你周末过得怎么样?  How did kids spend the weekend?(P57) 孩子们是怎样过周末的?  1) how 是常见的疑问副词,用法较多第一句中的 how 用来询问感受,意为“怎么样”;第二句中的 how 用来询问方式,意为“怎么”“如何”例如:  —
一 作为动词, take 主要有以下几种用法:  1. 意为“拿取”例如:  I want to take some books to the classroom. 我想拿些书到教室去  2. 意为“吃喝;服用;放”例如:  Take this medicine three times a day. 这药一天服三次  Do you take sugar in your milk? 你喝的牛奶里放糖
well 一词看似简单,但含义丰富,用法也比较复杂,使用起来并非易事现将其意义及基本用法归纳如下,供同学们学习时参考  一 用作形容词,意为“(身体)好”例如:  —How are you today? 你今天好吗?  —I’m very well, thank you. 我很好,谢谢!  He’s not feeling well today. 他今天感觉身体不舒服  二 用作副词,意为“好”,
一、顺读法    顺读法也叫直接读法。即先读“钟点数”,再读“分钟数”。例如:7:20讀作seven twenty;8:45读作eigllt forty-five;11:30读作eleven thiny。
Unit 6 Do you like bananas?    寫作目标:介绍一日三餐  写作导引:本单元主要学习如何正确运用表示食物的名词(例如hamburgers,oranges等)来表达我们的一日三餐,学会把表示食物的名词与基本语法、句型结合起来,表达自己或他人的饮食喜好,学会运用动词的第三人称单数形式。
Passage 1    亲爱的同学们,祝贺你们升入中学!希望你们在新的一年中,身体更棒,心情更爽,学习更好,结识更多新朋友  A: Good morning, class.  B: Good morning, teacher.  A: Sit down, please. My name is Zhang Hua. Nice to meet you.  B: Nice to meet you, t