Polymerization of Isoprene by Amidinate-Ligated Yttrium Catalysts.Unprecedented Switching of the Reg

来源 :复旦学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoyuanhappy2008
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1 Results Search for catalysts which can control the regio- and stereoselectivity for olefin polymerization is a very important research subject.For the polymerization of isoprene,we have recently achieved,for the first time,the isospecific 3,4 polymerization by using a cationic rare earth metal alkyl catalyst bearing a silylene-linked cyclopentadieny-phosphido ligand[1], and the cis-1,4 living polymerization by a bis(phosphinophenyl)amido-ligated rare earth metal catalyst[2]. In addition to these ligand-modification approaches,we wish to report here that an alkyl aluminum compound can be used to switch the regio- and stereoselectivity in the polymerization of isoprene catalyzed by an amidinate-ligated yttrium catalyst (Scheme 1).The isolation and structural characterization of the amidinate-ligated yttrium complex and the Y/Al heterotrimetallic complexes and their relation to the polymerization mechanism will also be described. 1 Results Search for catalysts which can control the regio- and stereoselectivity for olefin polymerization is a very important research subject. For the polymerization of isoprene, we have recently achieved, for the first time, the isospecific 3,4 polymerization by using a cationic rare earth metal alkyl catalyst bearing a silylene-linked cyclopentadieny-phosphido ligand [1], and the cis-1,4 living polymerization by a bis (phosphinophenyl) amido-ligated rare earth metal catalyst [2]. approaches, we wish to report here that an alkyl aluminum compound can be used to switch the regio- and stereoselectivity in the polymerization of isoprene catalyzed by an amidinate-ligated yttrium catalyst (Scheme 1). The isolation and structural characterization of the amidinate-ligated yttrium complex and the Y / Al heterotrimetallic complexes and their relation to the polymerization mechanism will also be described.
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摘要:本文在实践的基础上,利用改进后的物理实验,来发现、纠正初中生错误的前概念,肯定、延伸正确的前概念,从而突破教学中的难点和重点,达成高效的物理课堂。  关键词:物理教学;物理实验;前概念;发展    社会的发展,对人的发展提到了首位;教育的人性化发展,促使教师对学生的关注度日渐增加。要知道,学生并不是一张白纸,踏进教室的同时,学生长期的经验积累与自我辨别式学习而形成的对事物并非本质的认识,而这